We have had a holiday to remeber in Longleat forest!
So much fresh air and exercise with a lot of swimming too!
The children really enjoyed having accomodation next to a pond ,surrounded by trees ,which meant we saw rabbits birds of many types and best of all a 1 year old Buck .This deer had such velvet covered antlers and we loved watching as he sunned himself and stood still so tha we could admire him.
The children said the view from our patio doors was like natures tv !We spent hours observing squirrels,birds ,ducks,moor hens,rabbits and deer.
In the whole time we had no whining or moaning ,there was such peace and contentment with the exception of Jonathon who simply wanted to return home after Tuesday as he finds any change of routine incredibly tiring and challenging ,this is why things like holidays and field trips are such a vital part of his home education journey.
Jonathon needed alot of time and calm explanations as well as activities to calm his senses but he overcame his overwhleming need to return to home before we were due to and told me how proud he felt that he had been able to last it out ,when we got home!
Sarah-Jane rated the holiday 10 out of 10.Susanna gave it a 9 Jonathon a 9 not bad really!
We were able to hire bikes and loved transporting ourselves around the forest in this manner!
SJ improved her swimming so much she was able to swim and even tread water out of her depth !
JDN remains an underwater lover,
SAN has invented a new swimsuit appraisal game involving appraising peoples swim wear for practicality ,coverage, choice of colour design etc and how well it fits/suits each person.
We ate simply,enjoyed each others comapny and played UNO (card game) into the small hours,we had to return aday early as SAN had a GCSE science module on the Friday, it was very eerie crossing the Salisbury plain late on Thursday noght it was pitch black and very icy indeed!
The stars were very clear on the other hand so we coud really appreciate what an amazing palce Salisbury Plain and Stonehenge must have been ever sicnce they existed!
There was so much peace and so much life in everythingw e did on Holiday and we were sad to leave the Forest behind!
The highlight of the week was when the children completed an awesome high ropes type activity in the trees!this ended in a descent using a vertical zip wire.
All three children completed this course and I felt so proud of the way they moved with such composure and encourage one another as they progressed along the course!
We were ery thankful to DH who stayed at home to care for Dotty and the hens!
He really hates holidays with us and prefers to be at home in his own comfort zone!